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Joburg NPO provides food and shelter for city's homeless as Covid-19 bites

When demand for shelter for the homeless grew during the first week of lockdown, Shalene Selkirk, founding director of Fountain for the Thirsty, set out to provide temporary shelters and distribute food parcels to the needy in northern Johannesburg


Fountain for the Thirsty helps the homeless during lockdown

When she began, she bought a supply of fruit and non-perishable items to distribute to those in need, and slowly but surely, the roots of a charity foundation were beginning to be established.


Shelter for 40 displaced at Rosebank Union Church

HURLINGHAM – Rosebank Union Church has provided temporary shelter for forty displaced men during the lockdown period.

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Phone: 074 117 5105

We are a registered NPO 217-811 and NPC 2017 / 13748 / 08

PBO 930069748

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Fountain for the Thirsty  |  NPO  217-811  |  NPC 2017/13748 /08  |  PBO 930069748 

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