How You Can Help?
Pick Any Payment Method
Banking Details
Fountain for the Thirsty NPC
First National Bank
Business Cheque Account
Account no. 62716501805
Cresta 254-905
Swift code FIRNZAJJ

Consistent donations assist us with covering our monthly basic running costs.
Please consider making a scheduled payment so that we know our bills & staff are paid. This way all of our focus can go to helping others!
SUPPORT change and get your TAX Benefit
All donations to Fountain for the Thirsty can qualify for a tax benefit as we are a registered public benefit organisation (PBO 930069748). Section 18 A certificates can be issued upon request by emailing info@fountainforthethirsty.org . In order for us to issue a S18A certificate you will need to provide us with the following:
Full name as depicted on your RSA identity document
Identity number
Date of donation
Amount of the donation
Nature of the donation
S18A certificates will be issued immediately for once off donations or just before the end of the financial tax year for regular donors.